Chapter 1: When it all went wrong

Easy Love, Difficult Love
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     "You know, the usual." Wendy tells the bartender. 

     It's not even news that Wendy frequents the bar where she hopes to forget whatever happened on days she visits. Though honestly, it barely helps. The life she's living is way bitter than the alcohol that lingers on her tongue anyways. 

     The bartender hands over the drink to Wendy, which he quickly made with his talent. A drink that Wendy does not even know the name of, but she drinks it and orders it regularly because it was recommended by the said bartender when she told him she wanted something strong that will possibly make her forget all kinds of pain. Wendy remembered the bartender told her to not regret ordering a drink like that, but Wendy ended up loving the drink and it tastes nice to her. It surprises her too because she's not one to usually enjoy strong alcoholic drinks. 

     "Why are you here again? Hyoseob, the said bartender, asks the obvious question. He knows the reason every time he sees Wendy stepping into the bar, but he asks anyway to start off a conversation with his regular customer. 

     "Our boss did it again." Wendy says shortly, she then averts her attention to the invited singer on the stage, who's wearing a sparkling red dress with an overdone make-up and hairdo. She doesn't really care though, about how the singer looks or what she wears, she just looks that way because she wants to avoid talking about what happened at work after work hours. 

     Seeing how Wendy is just saying that means that she doesn't want to talk about it, and Hyoseob understands. He will not bother Wendy about it if she doesn't want to talk about it. He might not know Wendy well, as she's just another regular at the bar and he has no rights to know about his customer's private life, but he senses there's something gloomy about her that he can't point out. He is okay if Wendy ever tells him anything about what's making her life harder, but he decides that he doesn't want to pry. Wendy will tell him if she wants to. 

     "Give me an orange juice, please." A soft voice asked, perking Wendy's ears to listen to the voice a bit more. It's weird to Wendy how that soft voice is heard even clearer than the singer that is singing through the microphone. Moreover, who orders orange juice at a bar?

     Wendy is just curious, that's all. It's not like she wants to hear the other woman talk more or anything, nope, absolutely not. 

     A familiar vibration is felt from the table and Wendy instinctively checks her phone but soon realizes that her phone is actually is still in her bag. She mentally slaps herself in the head because how does she even forget that she left it in the bag because all she wanted to do once she stepped into the bar was to avoid looking at the missed calls, and to be free of feeling guilty for not answering all the incoming calls. But she has now accidentally took a peek at her phone, and she saw the 14 missed calls and an incoming call. She ignores it anyway by just turning off her phone. 

     That person calling her is not even calling her to ask her whereabouts nor that person is calling because he is worried about her not being at home even hours after work was done. Wendy knows that he is calling just to tell Wendy to come home to prepare dinner for him, telling her to organize his work materials for him, constructing her to provide him the best pleasure, and even telling her to do things as tedious as making sure the water he drinks is always warm. 

     Wendy does not even want to feel guilty of ignoring him, because she feels that she has done enough by being the best performing employee in his marvellous company, and by doing her family a favour by marrying into his family for the sake of keeping good business relationship who's also an old family friend. 

     "Yes, yes. It's all done. I've organized all the files and it's all on my table." 

     Hearing that soft voice coming from the other side brings Wendy back from her thoughts of her miserable life. 

     "Mr. Bossband?" 

     Hyoseob's voice again brings Wendy back from focusing too much and listening to the lady that is sitting three seats away from her. Wendy clears to avoid feeling like she was caught doing something illegal. Hyoseob has probably seen the frown that was forming on Wendy's face right after she checked on her phone. 

     "Y-yeah, mister boss-ing-band." Wendy answers quickly, acknowledging how fast Hyoseob has caught on. 

     "I think that lady is having trouble with her work, too." Hyoseob says and a chuckle follows suit, thinking how funny the situation is to him, "I think this bar has a charm of attracting stressed-out corporate workers." 

     Wendy laughs along to Hyoseob's remark, and her eyes can't help but to wander back to the lady who is now still on the phone talking about work. 

     "Have you given her the orange juice?" Wendy asks suddenly. 

     Hyoseob thought he heard wrongly and gives her a puzzled look. 

    "Well, have you?" Wendy insists. 

    "It's just orange I did..." Hyoseob stutters, totally flustered by the question Wendy had asked him. 

     "Can you pour one more for me?" Wendy asks another weird one.

     Didn't she come here to drink her night away? So what's with the orange juice?

     And that made Hyoseob to feel even more confused, because did Wendy get drunk today from only one shot of drink? It is so unlike her usual self. 

     "What's wrong with you today?" Hyoseob concernly asks, thinking that Wendy's brain has really gone haywire, "You barely finished your drink and you're getting drunk already?" 

    Wendy gives him a sharp glare. Of course, she's not drunk yet. She's far from drunk, but what made her feel like she's drunk is the fact that how the lady three seats away from her is making her gain a sudden courage to go up and talk to her. 

     "Just give it to me, I'll pay for it, don't worry." Wendy knows that was not Hyoseob's concern but she just wants to make light of the situation. 

     Hyoseob lost the will to argue with her anymore so he gave her the glass of orange juice that Wendy wanted so badly. He too is curious to see what will turn out after this, is Wendy really already drunk or is she just craving for that orange juice? Or is she trying a new trick to flirt with someone? 

     "Thanks." Wendy says and takes that glass of orange juice and smirks at Hyoseob while getting up from her seat. Carefully and slowly, Wendy jazz-walked towards the lady three seats away from her, quietly so as to not scare that lady away. 

     "Hey," Wendy says when she reaches near the lady, "I think you might need more of this." 

     That lady, who had just put down her phone with a scowl on her face, was startled by Wendy's sudden appearance beside her. Wendy shows off the glass of orange juice in front of her face and only then she is able to process what Wendy had said to her. She looks back at her empty glass on the table that she didn't even realize when did she even finish drinking the orange juice she ordered. She must have chugged down the juice to soothe her angry heart while she was talking on the phone with her manager from work. 

     "Ah." That lady exclaims softly. She looks at the orange juice Wendy was holding and back to Wendy's face awkwardly, because she doesn't really need another orange juice for now, as it was indeed a little too sweet for her taste that it had made go dry. 

     "Thank you, I do think I need it." She says instead because she feels bad to reject the drink from Wendy who looks sincere in offering her the drink. She wants to take the glass from Wendy and in turn she offers Wendy to sit beside her, even though she has no idea who this person is, what's her purpose of approaching her with a glass of orange juice, and has no idea of what she can say to initiate a conversation with her because she naturally is a socially awkward person. 

     But Wendy notices that. All the awkwardness written on her face, all the discomfort planted on her expressions, and a look of reluctance. 

     "You don't have to if you don't want to." Wendy refutes to the lady's invitation to sit beside her. 

     "No, I want to." 


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Riscark #1
Chapter 2: Oh no Joohyun already fallen for Wendy, their connection wow, just from talking 🥺 I hope Wendy find way to ends her loveless contracts marriage, so the road to happy ending won't be intercepted by it
Chapter 2: If she still in married not good for them.
Chapter 2: Wendy. Divorce that ty husband and chase after Irene. Her heart is already fluttering because of you.
wenrene012 #4
Chapter 2: Will it be happy ending? I'm traumatised with the amount of wr angst lmao!! But I guess this will be angst considering that Wendy's married and the other name in the tags 🥲
Riscark #5
Chapter 1: It's gonna be angst, ty husband, ty work, ty life, but beautiful love? Yeah it's gonna be angst 🥲 I'm still gonna read it tho, I'm holding onto the happy ending 🙏
Chapter 1: Now I kinda know why this title. It's easy for them to fall in love with each other but difficult to be together. 😭
WenRene_77 #7
Chapter 1: i know it's too early but i hope it'll be wenrene end game, thank you author. Waiting for the next chapter💙💝
Chapter 1: Oh, damn. You write well and had me hooked while reading, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, all the reactions are accurate, and I like the characters. I would like to see more about Wendy's relationship and who her husband is, it must be really annoying for her to deal with this guy, and sleeping with someone you don't feel attracted to or have feelings for is so bad. Thank you for the good work, author, looking forward to seeing you again.
WluvsBaetokki #9
Chapter 1: I'm sat and will co tinder to remain seated as long as this won't be a sad ending... then I'll flip
110 streak #10
seated 🫣